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TMC2160-OC Trinamic Digital Stepper Driver

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Superseding outdated TB660 series of stepper drivers, TMC2160-OC use the latest Trinamic drivers so superior motion control. It features industries’ most advanced stepper motor driver with simple Step / Direction interface. Using external transistors, highly dynamic, high torque drives can be realized. Based on TRINAMICs sophisticated SpreadCycle and StealthChop choppers, the driver ensures absolutely noiseless operation combined with maximum efficiency and best motor torque. High integration, high energy efficiency and a small form factor enable miniaturized and scalable systems for cost effective solutions.

Before you buy

  • If you are unsure of how to use this driver, it is best to only purchase for a like to like replacement
  • To maximise the benefits of using these drivers, use min. 2A, low inductance stepper motors
  • These are not compatible with the MyPlasm controller. The DM series are best for those
  • Support will not be provided other than DOA as it is assumed you are competent in the use and installation


  • Capable of driving up to 4.33A of current
  • Little heat and easy to cool down
  • Easy to modify microstep via DIP Switch, max supporting 64 microsteps.
  • Safe Optically coupled isolation signal

Current settings
Calculation formula of current IRMS(Valid value of current)=(Irun value is set via DIP Switch) The maximum current is 4.33A, while the minimum is 2.30A. There are 8 settings of current for choice, which are 2.30A, 2.57A, 2.84A, 3.11A, 3.38A, 3.65A, 3.92A and 4.33A.

Working mode
TMC2160_OC has two working modes, SpreadCycle and StealthChop mode. It can be switched over via DIP Switch. Due to SpreadCycle mode with no mute function, it is recommended to use StealthChop mode.

IHOLD settings
There are two IHOLD settings: IHOLD is the same as setting current (IHOLD=IRUN) and half as setting ( IHOLD=1/2 IRUN). It can be switched over via DIP Switch.

Check out Jim's Embeddedtronics Blog test and review here